Saturday, May 20, 2017

Knowing too much or not to know anything!

How are we going to set the balance point to be a respectful individual?

When people know about me too much, minority of them will feel inferior?  When they do not know more about me, they tends to be jealous and compare.  They are trying to compare my achievements and my fortune in an unfair platform or metric since they do not read my resume in detail and do not understand how much efforts and contribution which I have done in creative and innovative research and business ideas formation.  They do not understand how much promotion and praise on Malaysia as my country when I am overseas.  They do not understand how much proud I have as a Malaysian.  I have traveled around the world and I have written them into a book called Sunshine Little Kitchen.  You can buy my book from or get it directly from me.

Only a few of my friends are truly understand and support me by deeply believe that I deserve to marry a good man and having a good fortune in my life since my mindset, my initiative, my ideas and what I want to do are portraying a first class citizen, the most outstanding female Malaysian in the nation who is a leader and thinker for all people, no matter in which industry and sector.

"I have a Dream" and "Fair? Why?" are both of my start-up most recently to bridge the gap between the poor and rich as well as the intelligence and ordinary individuals.  Stay tune!  I would welcome good and committed individuals to email me your resume if you are interested to work as a team.  Of course, I would welcome investors too.  My email is  You may whatapp me, +6 012 298 2298.

Hopping to hear from you soon.  Let's bring our nation ready for VISION 2020 mentally, emotionally, socially and physically.  Think positively like who I am.  Eliminate emotion by eating more healthy diet or seek for nutritionist's help.  Learn to communicate and try to mix with poor and developing nation to gain the opportunities to become a wealthy and leader among them.  Of course, you can be a developing nation's leader too just like me by having originality, pioneering, innovation and creativity with definitely no copying or duplication.  Let's run a marathon.  Start with a 5 KM run first, slowly running a 10 KM, a 21 KM, i.e the half marathon, then, a 42 KM, i.e. a full marathon or it is also known as a marathon.

Let's get ready for VISION 2020 mentally, emotionally, socially and physically as we are a MALAYSIAN.

Welcome to Malaysia!

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